Did you know that there are a TON of free tunes available from Amazon for your listening pleasure? Ninety-five percent of the offerings are new and upcoming artists, which is kind of fun, because then you can say, "Yeah, I was a fan before they were famous." Some of the songs are fabulous, others are so-so and many I regret having bothered listening to the sample. That's 30 seconds my poor assailed ears will never forgive me for.
So, I have scoured literally hundreds of free MP3's on Amazon and found these hidden gems. I realize that our tastes will differ, but if you happen to like any of my choices, you may be inspired to go on an MP3 Scavenger Hunt of your own. And PS, I was searching for new tunes to add to my workout list on my iPod, so these first few songs are in order from warm-up to cool down for a 1 hour workout. It's a mix of alternative, rock and pop. Enjoy and Happy 4th of July!
- Morning Thought by Dale Earnhardt Jr.
- Coyote by The Lonely Forest
- Always Spring by I'm From Barcelona **
- Alive by Avalon
- When It Won't Save You by Conditions
- Up Up Up by Givers
- Chapters by Kyoto Drive
- The Last Ride by Soldout
- Gimme Sympathy by Metric
- Eliza by Viper Creek Club
- Quake by Balance and Composure
- The End of Progression by Conditions
- Hannah by Freelance Whales
- God and Girl by Red Goodbye
- Second Bird of Paradise by The Rosebuds
- Forever My Father by Go Radio
Other New Favorites
- Wolf & I by Oh Land ** (for The Twilight Fan)
- Traveling by Brian Olive
- Rebound (Remastered) by Sebadoh
- Endless Summer by Still Corners
- Built to Last by Redlight King (Inspiring Rock Fan)
- Hunt Hunt Hunt by There for Tomorrow (Fall Out Boy Fan)
- Please Ask for Help by Telekinesis (for The Cure Fan)
Sometimes a song is just so fabulous that not long after it's available for free, Amazon starts charging for it. I just downloaded all of these songs in the last week, but in providing the links, I have found a couple that are no longer free, but still worth checking out. They're marked with a **. Oh the pains of popularity. So hurry and snag the ones you like because they might not be free tomorrow!