I am not into politics; I find it boring and honestly, I got a C in Government and Local Politics in college. I have the hardest time focusing on any of it and I couldn't even tell you if I'm red or blue. I guess when I'm pissed off I turn red and when I'm sad.... All I know is that when election time rolls around, I can either vote for Elmo or Grover, but either way a puppet will take office with a Congressional hand up their ---.
However, I was emailed this link to a series of email exchanges between Congressman Jim McDermott's secretary Elizabeth Becton and an unknown executive assistant at McBee Strategic.
It has absolutely nothing to do with politics. Wait, that's not true. Some pompous over-blown ego takes liberties and justice into their own hands then beats down the little guy. And leaves us the train wreck for our reading and laughing pleasure. At least there's some justice in it. Miss LIZ, you'll never live this one down and if you're still working for Congressman McDermott, he's an even bigger idiot than you are. :oP
Holy crap that was FUNNY!
Wow, and I thought I had a hang up about how people pronounce my name! Makes me look GOOD!
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