Q: Tell us a little about yourself; what makes you so special...
*Lol, I don't know how special it makes me but here goes. My name is Jenny, I'm 30 something and have been married to a wonderful guy named Jared for 10 years in October. My mother is handicapped and lives with us and we have a bunch of pets. I have a corny sense of humor and love movies like Spaceballs, Ghostbusters and Blast From the Past. I like gardening and am not a great cook.
Q: What do you make/create?
*I like to sculpt little polymer clay figurines and paint them. I also like to draw and do embroidery, hand sewing little things.
Now onto the really important questions...
Q: If you were an appliance, what kind of appliance would you be? Why?
*Hm, a mixer because I love batter.
Q: Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
*My husband.
Q: What's your most embarrassing moment?
*Ugh, walking to class one morning- a jeep full of guys hooted at me and I realized my flowy skirt had somehow gotten tucked up in the back. Thank God it was early A.M. and hardly anyone else was out.
Q: Movie star crush?
*I'm one of those weirdos that doesn't have one.
Q: Black and white or a hazy grey?
*A little of all of them :)
Q: Who's on your iPod?
*I am iPodless.
Q: If Luke Skywalker and Harry Potter dueled, who would win? Why?
*Skywalker, because he's more driven and confident- but it's not Harry's fault, he's still young.
Q: Best advice you ever received?
*Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day's own trouble be sufficient for the day."
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