Friday, June 5, 2009

Feature Friday - IMH Designs

Q: Tell us a little about yourself; what makes you so special…
My name is Amy and I'm a wife and a mother to 3. I'm pretty much a stay-at-home mom but as of last fall I headed back to college for interior design. I live in Minnesota outside of Minneapolis. I have been sewing and designing pretty much my whole life. I love it!!

Q: What do you make/create?
I create clutch purses. I made one and instantly became hooked. Once I find a great fabric I can't wait to see the finished product. It is so exciting and rewarding. I have recently started to turn my photos into clutches which has been a lot of fun. I have other ideas for clutches that I'm toying with and hope to turn into actual clutches. I just wish that I didn't have to sleep.

Now onto the really important questions…

Q: If you were an appliance, what kind of appliance would you be? Why?
Probably a popcorn popper. For one thing it is a fun word to say, it is one of my favorite snacks and I love the popping sound.

Q: Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My mom. We talked about our day.

Q: What’s your most embarrassing moment?
I had an ink smudge on my nose and pretty much went the whole day without knowing.

Q: Movie star crush?
What can I say, Brad Pitt is just sooo good looking.

Q: Black and white or a hazy grey?
I think hazy grey. Lately I have been drawn to greys, it is even the background on my banner.

Q: Who’s on your iPod?
Ozzy Osborne (Crazy Train) Anne Lennox, Counting Crows, John Mayer, ELO.

Q: If Luke Skywalker and Harry Potter dueled, who would win? Why?
I have to be old school on this and say Luke Skywalker mostly because I had a crush on him when Star Wars was out and Harry is just a boy.

Q: Best advice you ever received?
Do your best.

For more fabulous clutches, check out IMH's store!


Alyssa S. said...

Those clutches are just up my alley...floral and paisley! Lovely shop, thanks for sharing :)

LillyShayStyle said...

Wonderful shop, I love her clutches!


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